The Newly Opened La Quinta Inn & Suites Frankfort, IN 100% Non Smoking hotel is conveniently located just a short drive off of I-65 . Whether you're traveling on business, a leisure getaway, or a family vacation, La Quinta Inn & Suites Frankfort has the hotel accommodations to help you settle in and gear up for the next day with an abundance of amenities to meet your needs and ensure your comfort while away from home. While staying at our hotel in Frankfort IN, enjoy an invigorating workout in the fitness center or do some laps in the indoor swimming pool to help you blow off steam, keep up your exercise routine, or just have a little fun, steps away from your room. Need to get some work accomplished? Make some business calls from your room; connect to free high speed Internet access, utilize the business center to send or receive faxes, or book a meeting room to collaborate with coworkers or close a deal. After a long day, doze off to a tranquil sleep in a comfy bed. In the morning, brew yourself a fresh cup of coffee in your room with our convenient and user-friendly coffeemaker. Then head down to the dining room and fill up on a free Bright Side breakfast. The La Quinta Inn & Suites Frankfort is ideal for Boilermakers fans seeking a hotel near Purdue University. If you are planning on attending a sporting event at nearby Purdue University, a 26 mile drive is all that lies between our Frankfort Indiana hotel and the excitement that awaits you at the West Lafayette college campus. For lodging accommodations in Frankfort, Indiana at a hotel committed to meeting all your needs, book at the La Quinta Inn & Suites Frankfort hotel today.
This is an entirely non-smoking hotel. Click through for more information or to book.